Lentils, Chorizo and Sun-Dried Tomatoes

"I did promise myself and my little family that we will be eating healthily, at least for a while, after all that Christmas binge eating. Pheww! I feel like I can almost be rolled over. ? Here’s to do just that- this lentils, chorizo and sun dried tomatoes recipe, one of those meals that you could prepare in real time or no time ?, perfect to have as a nice lunch the next day. Just refrigerate in an air tight container and the next day simply tuck in."
NotesLentils- when it comes to those, there are quite a few options out there. This recipe asks for those ones that cook nicely and don’t become all mushy like the red split ones which I love but wouldn’t use in this type of recipe. This is more like a salad type of dish and not a casserole so best to chose green or continental lentils. Split peas or the big yellow ones will also work well here.
Preparation Time10 min
Cooking Time10 min
- 250 g chorizo
- 250 g lentils (dry, continental version)
- 1/2 butternut squash (baked)
- 1/2 red pepper (pickled, or fresh)
- 10 springs parsley (or coriander) (fresh)
- 8-10 pieces tomatoes (sun-dried, oil drained)
- 2-3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- 1-2 tbsp olive oil (optional)
- pepper (freshly ground) to taste
Preheat the oven at 190 C.
Wash and chop the butternut squash. Of course you can add other veggies too if you fancy. Place in a tray and roast for 20-25 min at 200 C.
While the butternut squash is roasting, slice the chorizo and pan fry for about 8-10 min. Take out on kitchen towel and tap to remove most of the oil. Leave this out if you want it vegetarian.
Wash thoroughly the lentils and cook according to the pack instructions. Cook al dente as the lentils are extra nice if they are left a little crunchy. I don't like them mushy.
Peel and slice the onion. Place in the serving dish along with the sausages and the chopped sun-dried tomatoes.
When the butternut squash has softened, take out and add to the onion and the sausages.
Chop some parsley, add the cooked and drained lentils. Grind some pepper to taste, add some salt although I do not think there is need for any salt as sausages are fairly salty. We did say healthy, right? ?
Drizzle the balsamic vinegar (add some olive oil if you wish - I love the balsamic vinegar and olive oil combination to this type of salad-type food)