
Knockoff Egg McMuffin Breakfast Sandwich

Knockoff Egg McMuffin Breakfast Sandwich
Knockoff Egg McMuffin Breakfast Sandwich

Are there many morning people out there? If you struggle to motivate yourself in the morning, breakfast is probably the last thing on your mind. It is the most important meal of the day, but sometimes visiting the drive thru is the best we can do. Stop wasting money on McDonald's and try this Knockoff Egg McMuffin Breakfast Sandwich. This is one easy copycat recipe you can make in bulk and freeze to have breakfasts ready to go all week. You can make these breakfast egg sandwiches with tomato for freshness and avocado for filling, healthy fats. It couldn't be easier to pop one of these egg sandwiches in the microwave to defrost before you run out the door for the day. Try this healthy breakfast recipe today and you'll wake up on the right side of the bed for sure!


Preparation Time5 min

Cooking Time5 min